Using kitty mappings to control tmux
How to avoid a Bash disaster
Advent of Code 2021
How do I fork xstyled?
How to use Docker for quick stuff
Firefox Nightly on Fedora
Working from $HOME
How to disable ligatures in GNOME Terminal
GitHub personal timeline
Neovim nightlies revisited
Neovim nightly rpms for Fedora
Ruby like a Pythonista
Open edX devstack on KVM (Ficus edition)
Open edX devstack on KVM (Eucalyptus edition)
Why I still have a desktop machine
Developing on the Chromebook Pixel
Bashes PPA for testing scripts on Travis CI
Load virtualenvwrapper on demand
httplib2 debug in a threaded app
httplib uses print for debugging
Daemonizing Bash
Live migration to RAID-1
Email with offlineimap