Using kitty mappings to control tmux

My development stack is Neovim on tmux on mosh on kitty on GNOME on Fedora.

GNOME, tmux, and Neovim compose a nested set of windows and tabs. Kitty also provides tabs, but I don’t usually use them, since my tmux is remote and kitty’s tabs would be local.

Screenshot of GNOME, tmux, and Neovim


I navigate between these layers directionally with these bindings:

  • GNOME: super-hjkl to switch desktop windows, thanks to the Focus changer extension.

  • Neovim: ctrl-hjkl to switch Vim splits, and shift-hl to switch buffer tabs. These bindings are from LazyVim, as a convenient alternative to the longer ctrl-w hjkl and :bn / :bN defaults, respectively.

  • tmux: ctrl-a np to switch windows, and ctrl-a hjkl to switch panes.

I’m annoyed by the inefficiency of the three-key sequence to switch windows in tmux, since it’s something that I do a lot, and the other layers have simpler bindings. I’ve decided that super-np would suit, since that modifier is never used by TUI apps, because super as a modifier doesn’t correspond to any terminal codes.


Since super-n and super-p can’t be interpreted directly by terminal programs, I need kitty to translate them. That looks like this in my kitty config:

# .config/kitty/kitty.conf

map --when-focus-on title:tmux super+p send_text all \x01p
map --when-focus-on title:tmux super+n send_text all \x01n
map --when-focus-on title:tmux super+shift+p send_text all \x01P
map --when-focus-on title:tmux super+shift+n send_text all \x01N

When the window title contains tmux then map super-n to ctrl-a n for the next tab, likewise p for the previous tab.

Also map super-shift-n and super-shift-p to rearrange tabs.

Here’s the corresponding config in my tmux config:

# .tmux.conf

set -g prefix C-a
unbind C-b
bind C-a send-prefix

bind n next
bind p prev
bind P swap-window -d -t -
bind N swap-window -d -t +

# Default setting with tmux: prepended for kitty to match.
set-option -g set-titles-string "tmux:#S:#I:#W - \"#T\" #{session_alerts}"
set-option -g set-titles on

Finally, I had to unbind super-n and super-p from their default functions in GNOME, otherwise kitty doesn’t receive them. Those functions were “Focus the current notification” and “Forget everything you know about my carefully arranged monitors,” respectively. I decided I don’t need the former (we’ll see if I assign a different key in the future), and nobody wants the latter (it’s an unfortunate historical artifact from some Windows laptop keyboards).

Getting rid of those:

gsettings set focus-active-notification '[]'
gsettings set org.gnome.mutter.keybindings switch-monitor '["XF86Display"]'


Tangentially, if you want kitty’s default binding of ctrl-shift-u to show the kitty Unicode picker, you have to kill that GNOME binding, too. You can run ibus-setup or this one-liner:

dconf write /desktop/ibus/panel/emoji/unicode-hotkey '@as []'

Enjoy! ∿