Hi, I'm Aron…

I’m a software developer living in Ann Arbor, Michigan. I work with my wife—together, we form Scampersand, a software agency building modern web applications for clients.

I’m also an ultimate player. To me, there is no more beautiful sight than a disc in the air, and no better feeling in the world than sprinting, catching and throwing.

And—like you—I’m human, muddling through life, finding my way. I worry about the world, especially about how people treat each other. We each carry our own fear and hurt, and with clouded vision we inflict our pain on others. We could all use a bit more grace, patience, and kindness—myself included.

…and this is my corner of the Internet.

Personal websites are weird, aren’t they? It seems narcissistic from the moment you buy the domain with your name on it.

For me, it’s a way to carve out a respite from the insanity of the monetized web. This site is mine. It’s not just some rented space on a social network. There are no thumbs-up buttons, or worse, thumbs-down buttons! I used to have Google Analytics on this site, but I killed it—I don’t need to know if you visited.

I use this site to share my thoughts, how-tos and experiments. Feel free to look around, and if you want to get in touch with me, email works great.