There are 100 octopuses arranged neatly in a 10 by 10 grid. Each octopus slowly gains energy over time and flashes brightly for a moment when its energy is full. Although your lights are off, maybe you could navigate through the cave without disturbing the octopuses if you could predict when the flashes of light will happen.
Day 11a
const flash = (vs: number[], i: number) => {
vs[i] = 0
const x = i % 10
const y = (i - x) / 10
for (const dx of [-1, 0, 1]) {
for (const dy of [-1, 0, 1]) {
if (dx || dy) {
const xx = x + dx
const yy = y + dy
if (xx >= 0 && xx < 10 && yy >= 0 && yy < 10) {
const j = yy * 10 + xx
vs[j] = vs[j] && vs[j] + 1
export const d11a = ({input = inputs.d11}: {input?: string}) => {
const vs = Array.from(input.replace(/\D/g, '')).map(x => parseInt(x))
let flashes = 0
for (let step = 0; step < 100; step++) {
vs.forEach((_, i) => vs[i]++)
for (let fs = flashes; ; flashes = fs) {
vs.forEach((v, i) => v > 9 && (flash(vs, i), fs++))
if (fs === flashes) {
return flashes
Day 11b
export const d11b = ({input = inputs.d11}: {input?: string}) => {
const vs = Array.from(input.replace(/\D/g, '')).map(x => parseInt(x))
for (let step = 1; ; step++) {
vs.forEach((_, i) => vs[i]++)
let flashes = 0
for (let fs = flashes; ; flashes = fs) {
vs.forEach((v, i) => v > 9 && (flash(vs, i), fs++))
if (fs === flashes) {
if (flashes === vs.length) {
return step