Advent of Code 2021 - Day 5

I spent hours on day 5 building complex things that didn’t work. That left me in a mood to hack and golf more, idealize less.

Day 5

interface Point {
  x: number
  y: number

interface Segment {
  a: Point
  b: Point

export const pointsOf = (g: Segment): Point[] => {
  let {a, b} = g
  const dx = b.x < a.x ? -1 : b.x > a.x ? 1 : 0
  const dy = b.y < a.y ? -1 : b.y > a.y ? 1 : 0
  const points = []
  for (let x = a.x, y = a.y; x !== b.x || y !== b.y; x += dx, y += dy) {
    points.push({x, y})
  return points

export const d5 = ({
  input = inputs.d5,
}: {
  input?: string
  part: 'a' | 'b'
}) => {
  const horiz = ({a, b}: Segment) => a.y === b.y
  const vert = ({a, b}: Segment) => a.x === b.x
  const lines = ranks(ints(input), 4)
    .map(([ax, ay, bx, by]) => ({a: {x: ax, y: ay}, b: {x: bx, y: by}}))
    .filter(g => part === 'b' || horiz(g) || vert(g))
  const seen = reduce(
    (seen, line) =>
        pointsOf(line).map(({x, y}) => `${x},${y}`),
        (seen, p) => ((seen[p] = (seen[p] || 0) + 1), seen),
  return Object.values(seen).filter(n => n > 1).length

Day 5a sample:

Day 5a mine:

Day 5b sample:

Day 5b mine: