Advent of Code 2021 - Day 3

The submarine has been making some odd creaking noises, so you ask it to produce a diagnostic report just in case.

Day 3a

export const d3a = ({input = inputs.d3, dbg}: DayProps) => {
  const diags = input
    .map(s => parseInt(s, 2))
  const bitLength = input.trim().search(/\s+/)
  const bitCounts = R.times(bitLength, pos =>
    R.reduce(diags, (count, n) => count + ((n & (1 << pos)) >> pos), 0),
  const gamma = R.reduce.indexed(
    (gamma, count, pos) => gamma | (count > diags.length / 2 ? 1 << pos : 0),
  ) as unknown as number //
  const epsilon = gamma ^ ((1 << bitLength) - 1)
  dbg({gamma, epsilon})
  return `Power consumption: ${gamma * epsilon}`

Sample output:

My output:

Day 3b

I wrote this first with for-loops…

export const d3b = ({input = inputs.d3}: DayProps) => {
  const diags = input
    .map(s => parseInt(s, 2))

  const bitLength = input.trim().search(/\s+/)

  let oxy = diags
  for (let pos = bitLength - 1; oxy.length > 1 && pos >= 0; pos--) {
    const {'0': zeros, '1': ones} = R.groupBy(oxy, n => n & (1 << pos) && 1)
    oxy = zeros.length > ones.length ? zeros : ones

  let co2 = diags
  for (let pos = bitLength - 1; co2.length > 1 && pos >= 0; pos--) {
    const {'0': zeros, '1': ones} = R.groupBy(co2, n => n & (1 << pos) && 1)
    co2 = zeros.length > ones.length ? ones : zeros

  return `Life support rating: ${oxy[0] * co2[0]}`

…then replaced the for-loops with reductions…

export const d3b = ({input = inputs.d3}: DayProps) => {
  const diags = input
    .map(s => parseInt(s, 2))

  const bitLength = input.trim().search(/\s+/)

  const bitPositions = R.times(bitLength, pos => bitLength - pos - 1)

  const oxy = R.reduce(
    (oxy, pos) => {
      if (oxy.length <= 1) {
        return oxy
      const {'0': zeros, '1': ones} = R.groupBy(oxy, n => n & (1 << pos) && 1)
      return zeros.length > ones.length ? zeros : ones

  const co2 = R.reduce(
    (co2, pos) => {
      if (co2.length <= 1) {
        return co2
      const {'0': zeros, '1': ones} = R.groupBy(co2, n => n & (1 << pos) && 1)
      return zeros.length > ones.length ? ones : zeros

  return `Life support rating: ${oxy[0] * co2[0]}`

…then stared unhappily at those horrible tests of oxy.length and co2.length just to continue running the remainder of the reduction over bitPositions. Neither JavaScript nor Remeda offer a mechanism like Clojure’s to terminate early.

So that became the task. Here’s new defitions of reduce and reduce.indexed with the ability to terminate early using the special reduced return value.

class Reduced<T> extends Error {
  value: T
  constructor(value: T) {
    this.value = value

const reduced = <T>(x: T) => new Reduced(x)

interface Reducer {
  <T, K>(items: T[], fn: (acc: K, item: T) => K | Reduced<K>, initial: K): K
  indexed: <T, K>(
    items: T[],
    fn: (acc: K, item: T, index: number, items: T[]) => K | Reduced<K>,
    initial: K,
  ) => K

const reduce: Reducer = (items, fn, initial) => {
  try {
    return R.reduce(
      (...args) => {
        const r = fn(...args)
        if (r instanceof Reduced) {
          throw r
        return r
  } catch (e) {
    if (e instanceof Reduced) {
      return e.value
    throw e

reduce.indexed = (items, fn, initial) => {
  try {
    return R.reduce.indexed(
      (...args) => {
        const r = fn(...args)
        if (r instanceof Reduced) {
          throw r
        return r
    ) as unknown as ReturnType<typeof fn>
  } catch (e) {
    if (e instanceof Reduced) {
      return e.value
    throw e

export const d3b = ({input = inputs.d3, dbg}: DayProps) => {
  const diags = input
    .map(s => parseInt(s, 2))

  const bitLength = input.trim().search(/\s+/)

  const bitPositions = R.times(bitLength, pos => bitLength - pos - 1)

  const oxy = reduce(
    (oxy, pos) => {
      const {'0': zeros, '1': ones} = R.groupBy(oxy, n => n & (1 << pos) && 1)
      const ret = zeros.length > ones.length ? zeros : ones
      return ret.length > 1
        ? ret
        : (dbg(`terminating oxy at bit position ${pos}`), reduced(ret))

  const co2 = reduce(
    (co2, pos) => {
      const {'0': zeros, '1': ones} = R.groupBy(co2, n => n & (1 << pos) && 1)
      const ret = zeros.length > ones.length ? ones : zeros
      return ret.length > 1
        ? ret
        : (dbg(`terminating co2 at bit position ${pos}`), reduced(ret))

  return `Life support rating: ${oxy[0] * co2[0]}`

Sample output:

My output: