# vim:set tw=79 sw=2 nowrap:

# ========================================================================
# Settings
# ========================================================================

set noabort_nosubject
set noabort_unmodified
set alias_file=~/.muttrc-aliases
set allow_8bit
# mutt-1.5.6 replaced "set alternates" with "alternates"
alternates '(^|[-<, ])(aron|agriffis|aron.griffis)@'
alternates vim-dev@griffis1.net
set noascii_chars
set attribution="%n wrote:	[%[%a %b %2d %Y, %2I:%M:%S%p %Z]]"
set nobeep
set noconfirmappend
set copy
set delete=yes
set edit_headers
set editor="vim '+/^$'"
set folder=~/mail
set folder_format="%N %f"
set nohelp
set implicit_autoview=yes
set include
set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15F (%4l) %s"
set header_cache=~/.mutt/header_cache
set maildir_header_cache_verify=no
set mbox_type=maildir
set mark_old
set nomarkers
set mime_forward=ask-no
set nomove
set pager_index_lines=0
set pager_stop
set postpone=no
set postponed=+griffis1/postponed
set print_command="muttprint --paper letter"
set noprompt_after
set query_command="mutt_ldap_search '%s'"
set read_inc=100
set realname="Aron Griffis"
set recall=ask-no
set record=''         # let mailout do the saving
set reverse_alias     # show the name of sender from my aliases
set reverse_name      # reply as the user to whom the mail was sent
set nosave_name
set sendmail=~/bin/mailout
set sendmail_wait=0
set sig_dashes
set spoolfile=+hp/INBOX
set status_format="-%r-Mutt: [Msgs:%?M?%M/?%m%?n? New:%n?%?o? Old:%o?%?d? Del:%d?%?F? Flag:%F?%?t? Tag:%t?%?p? Post:%p?%?b? Inc:%b? %?l? %l?]---(%s/%S)-%>-(%P)---" 
set status_on_top
set tilde
set nouse_domain
set write_inc=100

# Mailing list identifiers -- see other .muttrc files for more
# Note that "subscribe" is for lists to which I'm subscribed; "lists" is for
# lists to which I'm not subscribed.  The difference is the generated content
# of the Follow-Up-To header.
subscribe ruby-talk@
alias ruby-talk Ruby Talk ML <ruby-talk@ruby-lang.org>
subscribe vim-dev@
alias vim-dev Vim Devel ML <vim-dev@vim.org>
lists mutt-dev@ mutt-users@ mutt-announce@
alias mutt-dev Mutt Devel ML <mutt-dev@mutt.org>
alias mutt-users Mutt Users ML <mutt-users@mutt.org>
alias mutt-announce Muu Announce ML <mutt-announce@mutt.org>

# My mailboxes, inboxes first
mailboxes \
  +hp/INBOX \
  +griffis1/INBOX \
  +gentoo/INBOX \
  `cd ~/mail; find hp griffis1 gentoo -type d -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 \
    ! -name INBOX ! -name Outbox ! -name Trash ! -name postponed ! -name sent \
    -printf "+%p "`

# Headers to display in the pager
ignore *
unignore from resent-from resent-to reply-to date subject to cc
unignore organization organisation user-agent
unhdr_order *
hdr_order resent from organization organisation reply-to date to cc user-agent subject

# Which "content types" to view using $HOME/.mailcap
auto_view text/html

# Prefer text/plain over, for instance, text/html
alternative_order text/plain

# Key bindings and macros
bind  index ' ' next-page
bind  index * tag-entry
bind  index <right> display-message
bind  index j next-entry
bind  index k previous-entry
bind  index t tag-pattern
bind  index x sync-mailbox
bind  index <up> previous-entry
bind  index <down> next-entry
bind  index ^ first-entry
bind  index <backspace> previous-page
bind  index - previous-page
bind  index , previous-line
bind  index . next-line
bind  index $ last-entry
macro index T "^T~A\r"
macro index Z "l~A\r"
macro index z "l~T\r"
macro index ~ "l~"
macro index A "t~A\r"
macro index y "c<tab><tab><tab>"
bind  pager y print-message
bind  pager <up> previous-line
bind  pager <down> next-line
bind  pager k previous-line
bind  pager j next-line
bind  pager * tag-message
macro pager t "it"
macro pager T "iT"
macro pager ~ "i~"
bind  pager <backspace> previous-page
bind  pager - previous-page
bind  pager $ bottom
macro pager A ":set noedit_headers\r:set editor='true >'\rr\Ca\Ckhardware_dri\r (OK)\r:set editor=\"vim '+/^$'\"\r:set edit_headers\r"
bind  pager N search-opposite
macro index \cb |urlview\n
macro pager \cb |urlview\n
bind  browser ' ' next-page
macro browser i "q"

# Save spam for spambayes or spamassassin
macro index S "s\Cu=spam\r"

macro browser H ":set nowait_key\r<shell-escape>w3m file://`echo /usr/share/doc/mutt*/html/manual.html`\r:set wait_key\r"
macro index   H ":set nowait_key\r<shell-escape>w3m file://`echo /usr/share/doc/mutt*/html/manual.html`\r:set wait_key\r"
macro pager   H ":set nowait_key\r<shell-escape>w3m file://`echo /usr/share/doc/mutt*/html/manual.html`\r:set wait_key\r"

macro index I ":set attribution=\"%n wrote:	[%[%a %b %2d %Y, %2I:%M:%S%p %Z]]\"\r:set sig_on_top=no\r:set indent_string='> '\r"
macro index M ":set attribution=\"-----Original Message-----\\nFrom: %n [mailto:%a]\\nSent: %{%A, %B %d, %Y %I:%M %p}\\nSubject: %s\\n\\n\"\r:set sig_on_top=yes\r:set indent_string=''\r"
macro pager I ":set attribution=\"%n wrote:	[%[%a %b %2d %Y, %2I:%M:%S%p %Z]]\"\r:set sig_on_top=no\r:set indent_string='> '\r"
macro pager M ":set attribution=\"-----Original Message-----\\nFrom: %n [mailto:%a]\\nSent: %{%A, %B %d, %Y %I:%M %p}\\nSubject: %s\\n\\n\"\r:set sig_on_top=yes\r:set indent_string=''\r"
# macro index r ":set attribution=\"%n wrote:	[%[%a %b %2d %Y, %2I:%M:%S%p %Z]]\"\r:set sig_on_top=no\r:set indent_string='> '\r;<reply>"
# macro index g ":set attribution=\"%n wrote:	[%[%a %b %2d %Y, %2I:%M:%S%p %Z]]\"\r:set sig_on_top=no\r:set indent_string='> '\r;<group-reply>"
# macro pager r ":set attribution=\"%n wrote:	[%[%a %b %2d %Y, %2I:%M:%S%p %Z]]\"\r:set sig_on_top=no\r:set indent_string='> '\r;<reply>"
# macro pager g ":set attribution=\"%n wrote:	[%[%a %b %2d %Y, %2I:%M:%S%p %Z]]\"\r:set sig_on_top=no\r:set indent_string='> '\r;<group-reply>"
# macro index R ":set attribution=\"-----Original Message-----\\nFrom: %n [mailto:%a]\\nSent: %{%A, %B %d, %Y %I:%M %p}\\nSubject: %s\\n\\n\"\r:set sig_on_top=yes\r:set indent_string=''\r;<reply>"
# macro index G ":set attribution=\"-----Original Message-----\\nFrom: %n [mailto:%a]\\nSent: %{%A, %B %d, %Y %I:%M %p}\\nSubject: %s\\n\\n\"\r:set sig_on_top=yes\r:set indent_string=''\r;<group-reply>"
# macro pager R ":set attribution=\"-----Original Message-----\\nFrom: %n [mailto:%a]\\nSent: %{%A, %B %d, %Y %I:%M %p}\\nSubject: %s\\n\\n\"\r:set sig_on_top=yes\r:set indent_string=''\r;<reply>"
# macro pager G ":set attribution=\"-----Original Message-----\\nFrom: %n [mailto:%a]\\nSent: %{%A, %B %d, %Y %I:%M %p}\\nSubject: %s\\n\\n\"\r:set sig_on_top=yes\r:set indent_string=''\r;<group-reply>"
bind index P recall-message
bind pager P recall-message

folder-hook .                'macro index "!" "c!\r"'
folder-hook 'hp/INBOX'       'macro index "!" ":set spoolfile=+griffis1/INBOX\rc!\r"'
folder-hook 'griffis1/INBOX' 'macro index "!" ":set spoolfile=+gentoo/INBOX\rc!\r"'
folder-hook 'gentoo/INBOX'   'macro index "!" ":set spoolfile=+hp/INBOX\rc!\r"'
folder-hook 'hp/INBOX'       'macro index "<" "c=hp/sent\r"'
folder-hook 'griffis1/INBOX' 'macro index "<" "c=griffis1/sent\r"'
folder-hook 'gentoo/INBOX'   'macro index "<" "c=gentoo/sent\r"'
folder-hook 'sent'           'bind  index "<" noop'

# Multi-mutt
macro index <Esc>m ":set nowait_key\r<shell-escape>xmutt_compose 2>/dev/null\r:set wait_key\r"
macro index <Esc>r ":set nowait_key\r:set postponed=\`mktemp /tmp/xmutt_reply.XXXXXX | tee $HOME/.xmutt_reply_yucky\`\r:set editor=true\r<reply>\r\r<postpone-message>:set editor=\"vim '+/^$'\"\r:set postponed=+griffis1/postponed\r<shell-escape>xmutt_reply 2>/dev/null\r:set wait_key\r"

# Hooks -- some of these are defaults which are overridden by hooks in other
# .muttrc-* files
folder-hook .                set sort=threads
folder-hook 'INBOX$|inbox$'  set sort=date-received
folder-hook sent             set sort=date-sent
folder-hook .                set noread_only
folder-hook backup           set read_only
folder-hook .                set alias_file=~/.muttrc-aliases
send-hook   .                unset signature
send-hook   .                set sig_dashes
send-hook   .                my_hdr From: Aron Griffis <aron@griffis1.net>

# Special griffis1.net From: addresses
send-hook "~C @era.com"      my_hdr From: Aron Griffis <era@griffis1.net>
send-hook "~C @remax.com"    my_hdr From: Aron Griffis <remax@griffis1.net>
send-hook "~C ruby-talk@"    my_hdr From: Aron Griffis <ruby-talk@griffis1.net>
send-hook "~C vim-dev@"      my_hdr From: Aron Griffis <vim-dev@griffis1.net>

# ========================================================================
# OfflineIMAP
# ========================================================================

# Set a default ctrl-f binding which will only apply if mutt is started with -f
# to a folder for which there isn't a trigger (unlikely)
macro index \Cf "<shell-escape>do_offlineimap -a WorkRecv,HomeRecv\r"
folder-hook 'hp/'       'macro index \Cf "<shell-escape>do_offlineimap -a WorkRecv\r"'
folder-hook 'griffis1/' 'macro index \Cf "<shell-escape>do_offlineimap -a HomeRecv\r"'
folder-hook 'gentoo/'   'macro index \Cf "<shell-escape>do_offlineimap -a GentooRecv\r"'

# Bind alt-f to flush outgoing messages
macro index <Esc>f "<shell-escape>do_offlineimap -a WorkSend,HomeSend,GentooSend\r"

# ========================================================================
# GnuPG settings
# ========================================================================

source ~/.muttrc-gpg
set pgp_replyencrypt=yes
set pgp_replysign=no
set pgp_replysignencrypted=yes
set pgp_timeout=1800
set pgp_good_sign="^gpg: Good signature from"
set pgp_autosign=no
send-hook .               set pgp_autosign=no

# ========================================================================
# ========================================================================

color status white blue
color hdrdefault magenta default
color signature magenta default
color body blue default " *^[A-Za-z0-9]*[>|#:}].*"
color body green default " *^[>|#:}] *[A-Za-z0-9]*[>|#:}].*"
color tree blue default
color attachment brightblue default

# *Bold*  -- will not work if split over lines
color body red default "\\*+[A-Za-z']+([ \n][A-Za-z']+)*\\*+"
# _Underlined_ -- will not work if split over lines
color body red default " _[A-Za-z']+([ \n][A-Za-z']+)*_"
# /Italics/  -- will not work if split over lines
color body red default " /[A-Za-z']+([ \n][A-Za-z']+)*/"

folder-hook . uncolor index *
folder-hook . color index blue default \'~f agriffis@\'
folder-hook . color index blue default \'~f aron@\'
folder-hook . color index green default \'~C agriffis@\'
folder-hook . color index green default \'~C aron@\'
folder-hook . color index brightdefault default \'~s urgent\'
folder-hook . color index brightdefault default \'~s reminder\'
folder-hook '(griffis1|hp)/INBOX$' color index red default \'~f \"Amy Griffis\"\'
folder-hook '(griffis1|hp)/INBOX$' uncolor index \'~C agriffis@\'
folder-hook '(griffis1|hp)/INBOX$' uncolor index \'~C aron@\'

# Aliases and other settings
source ~/.muttrc-zk3aliases
source ~/.muttrc-hp
source ~/.muttrc-gentoo
source ~/.muttrc-aliases